Update description for invoice adjustment by ID in Deel API v2

Hello Deel team.

We are updating our invoice adjustment "PATCH Invoice adjustment by ID". By documentation, amount field is optional and we don’t use it in our request.

But after we update the “description” field for the invoice, the “total_amount” field in invoice adjusment becomes 0.

Thank you for assistance!

Hi @Tanik,

I’m looking into that and will get back to you soon.

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@Tanik can you please provide the invoice_adjustment_id that had the issue and also the organization id?

Hi, @guilherme_deel.
How can I text you this information in a non-public messages?

Can you please send me those details in a private message?

@guilherme_deel I sent private message

Thanks @Tanik. we’re already looking what happened in this case and I’ll get back to you soon.

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Hi, @guilherme_deel. Are there any updates on our issue?