Can't patch invoice adjustment by ID in Deel API v2

Hello Deel team We are working on expanding our payroll processes with Deel backed up.

We are integrating "PATCH Invoice adjustment by ID" in v2 API version.By documentation, we are expected to provide Deel invoice adjustment ID (in uuid format, we have it).
And in payload amount and description. But in response we have HTTP 400 - profileId is required. Please see the screenshot of the direct attempt to update. Our code records exactly the same in the logs.

Thank you for any assistance on this matter!

Hi Julia @jbasysta, thanks so much for bringing this to our attention! Our team is looking into this, and we’ll update here with some feedback once we’ve reviewed. Thanks so much for your patience.


Hello @jbasysta we currently working on the fix, sorry for inconvenience.

Many thanks in advance! :crossed_fingers:

Hello @jbasysta we deployed fix on production, could you please try it?

Hey Dmytro. Unfortunately, I can not check it - the server now responds to error 500 “Something went wrong - our team is aware and working on it!”

Sandbox, API v2.

Hey everyone! I have tried again, and now seems endpoint able to respond properly. We got 200 response and updated adjustment to payment :tada:

Thank you for your support! Marking this as resolved.