Timesheets and Contract Amendments ("Pay as You Go" Contracts)

Hi everyone!!

I have a question regarding timesheets. In the case a person had an amendment on their “Pay as You Go” contract (changing their hourly rate), and by end of month starts adding the whole month worked hours (Some of them prior to the contract amendment date), the rate used to calculate the worked hours with date prior to the amendment date would be the previous hourly rate on their contract, and the new rate would be used for the worked hours with date after the contract amendment, am I right?

Hi @javier.maso, thanks for reaching out. Here is the answer from the responsible team:

No, we use only actual rate for all reports added after new sow is activated (signed, or reached effective date in future), regardless reports reporting date (date that we set when creating report).

I Hope that answers your question!

Best Regards