Imputed Income - What Endpoint (if available) should be used to input it?

We have a client that wants to send Imputed income from their recognition and rewards platform into their Deel platform through an automation leveraging API connections.

We have the data for the imputed income and any necessary accompanying user data, but are unsure if Deel’s Global Payroll API or Off-Cycle Payments API would be the right destination for the imputed income inputs.

Is there an endpoint on the current API that would work?

If not, what is the recommendation to the client on how we could most easily get this data to them in a method with the least amount of human/manual intervention.

Thank you!!

Hello @cameron.fry,

This extra income can indeed be added via API, but on what endpoint to use it depends on what type of worker your client is referring to.

For Contractors: Create off cycle payment

For other types (EOR or GP): Create adjustment and Get categories to find the right category for the extra income

Kindly let us know in case you have further doubts :grinning:

Thank you so much! I’ll be sure to reach out when we have more details from the client, but this is a really great start!